On our fourth day of our Erasmus project, we received a brief introduction to soldering by Jano Kassan. Sure, some of us knew how to handle these devices and materials, or at least they were familiar with them, but we all lacked the exercise.
Thus, we began with an exercise in which we were to solder resistors and an indefinable part. Apparently, we met the requirements in full measure, because as a response only a "Super!" Came from Mr. Kassan. Afterwards, we proudly left the room for the Thursday and devoted ourselves again to other subprojects.
On Friday, we split the group so that four of us went to solder again. This time, the task was to solder the hub's connections to our weather station. With shaky but purposeful hand and close eye we followed the completion, which we reached after a short time. Mr. Kassan praised us and said that we have been the best in the world so far. So four of us went back to our group and presented our results.