
Tuesday 25.09.2018

On tuesday we were highly motivated to keep working at our smart home project, because we were slowling reaching the finish line. Nearly all parts of the 3d modell were printed, circuit board was done and also the software team was close to finish the ESP-32 code and the android app.

In the afternoon we drove a few kilometers out of Banská Bystrica, to visit the castle Liptsch ("Lupciansky hrad") in the town of Lupca. There we got a tour throught the castle, where we learned a lot of things about it and its former owners.

Afterwards we went back to the hotel in Tajov, where we could use our freetime individually. Some of us used that time to explore climbing course at our hotel. Others relaxed, kept working at the Erasmus website or prepared for next days work at the project.


2018/19 - Project "Smart Home"

2018/19 - Freetime Activities