Náš výlet sa začal skorou rannou hodinou pred školou soš-it. Všetci sme nasadli do mini-busu a cesta mohla začať. Pred nami bolo dlhých 13 hodín cesty. Prekvapivo, cesta ubehla rýchlo so skvelou partiou ľudí, ktorí boli vybraný s nami na výlet. Mali sme občasné zastávky na načerpanie energie a na natankovanie auta. Po príchode na hotel nás milo privítal majiteľ Mário s rodinou a pohostil nás výbornou večerou a dezertom. Po prerozdelení izieb sme si išli odložiť naše veci a následne sme sa stretli pred hotelom, kde sme dostali organizačné pokyny a informácie o nasledujúcich dňoch, ktoré nás čakajú.
Our trip begun at early morning in front of our school (vocational high school of informative technology). We all jumped up in a mini-bus and the journey began. There were long 13 hours ahead of us but the trip passed pretty early with the great crew that we went there with. We had some occasional stops at gas station to gather some energy and tank the car. The second we arrived at the hotel, the owner greeted us with his family. He took care of us with a large dinner and a nice dessert. After dividing us in our rooms we unpacked our luggage and met infront of the hotel where we were staying in, teacher's gave us some info about next days ahead of us.